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The Week In Metal - Week Of June 24 - 30, 2019

The world as we know it, is obviously not this same since I started The Week In Metal, and I can't just skip a day and let down the legions of souls that count on fresh dose of weekly blasphemy. But these are my first 5 minutes of free time I had in the last 4 days so, today without any intros or life changing advises, I'm going straight to the point and introduce you to the 29 records that were released last week.

Till next week...

Black, atmospheric metal from Chile: Drimys Winteri - Excelsa Natura (Australis Records)


Black, atmospheric metal from United States: Ashbringer - Absolution (Prosthetic Records)


Post-Black metal from United States: Axioma - Crown (Translation Loss Records)


Stoner, sludge metal from New Zealand: Beastwars - IV (Independent)


Grindcore from Sweden: Birdflesh - Extreme Graveyard Tornado (Everlasting Spew Records)


Melodic, death, metalcore from United Kingdom: Centrilia - In The Name Of Nothing (233 Records)


Doom, death metal from United Kingdom: Consecration - Fragilium (Solitude Productions)


Death metal from Australia: Contaminated - Death Sick / Funeral Erection (Blood Harvest)


Thrash, death metal from United States: Descendency - Generate The Genocide (Horror Pain Gore Death Productions)


Symphonic metal from Belgium: Elusion - Singularity (Art Gates Records)


Melodic, death metal from Sweden: Havamal - Tales From Yggdrasil (Art Gates Records)


Progressive metal from Canada: Kosm - Yharnam (Independent)


Thrash metal from Chile: Martyrium - Children Scream For Mercy (Australis Records)


Thrash, heavy metal from United States: Mudface - Awaken To A Different Sun (Art Gates Records)


Black metal from United States: Mysticism Black - Return Of The Bestial Flame (Independent)


Death, death'n'roll metal from Sweden: Of Fire - Dräparen (Art Gates Records)


Death, brutal metal from Belgium: Putrified J - The Deep End Of Horror (Comatose Music)


Death metal from Sweden: Ribspreader - Crawl And Slither (Horror Pain Gore Death Productions)


Thrash, black, death metal from Finland: Scumripper - All Veins Blazing (Hells Headbangers Records)


Folk, pagan metal from France: Stille Volk - Milharis (Prophecy Productions)


Black metal from United Kingdom: Tableau Mort - Veil Of Stigma. Book I: Mark Of Delusion (Loud Rage Music)


Black, melodic metal from United States: The Noctambulant - The Cold And Formless Deep (Art Gates Records)


Black metal from Canada: The Projectionist - Visits From The Nighthag Part 2 (Appalachian Noise Records)


Black metal from Greece: Order Of The Ebon Hand - VII: The Chariot (Satanath Records)


Doom, gothic, hard rock from United States: Bloody Hammers - The Summoning (Napalm Records)


Black, death metal from India: Kapala - Termination Apex (Dunkelheit Produktionen)


Black, death metal from Greece: Hate Manifesto - Herald Of Triumph (Helter Skelter Productions)


Black metal from Canada: Monarque - Jusqu'à La Mort (Sepulchral Productions)


Black metal from United States: Pestis Inferos - Beyond The Veil Of Light (Independent)

Drimys Winteri, Ashbringer, Axioma, Beastwars, Birdflesh, Centrilia, Consecration, Contaminated, Descendency, Elusion, Havamal, Kosm, Martyrium, Mudface, Mysticism Black, Of Fire, Putrified J, Ribspreader, Scumripper, Stille Volk, Tableau Mort, The Noctambulant, The Projectionist, Order Of The Ebon Hand, Bloody Hammers, Kapala, Hate Manifesto, Monarque, Pestis Inferos

Entered: 7/1/2019 10:03:22 PM