
MB on Spotify - February summary

Greetings fellow metalheads!

It is time to summarise the month of February in metal music and surrounding subgenres. There was a lot of new music and even though the month was shorter it had more tracks to listen than we had in January. And that's probably as many positives as I can list as at the end of the month we had events which messed everything up. We still have a lot of delays of releases, tour cancellations, Watain is not allowed into US now for example (for no specific reason), but all of that sounds small and insignificant, even though it is for some artists the only way to earn money to survive, as we have a paranoid lunatic amongst the people who have a lot of power. The word "leader" is not even an appropriate term to use here.

Anyways, you're not here to read my rants, so here's the list of all albums released in February:

Here are the EPs from February:

Here's the playlist with singles:

I found one and a half of splits released in February:

The list of live releases from February can be found here:

The list with re-released, re-recorded and remastered material from February is here:

And we had one compilation from Varathron in February:

As usual, please give these a listen and support your favourites to let them know you appreciate their creations and encourage them to keep making more.

Just a little note from me, in case you're still reading - I think it is time to remember, that no matter how filthy and evil the metal lyrics are, most have been written to expose filthy and evil things in real life. So that we, the listeners, can identify them and say "no". And that's why I like metal music, it is not about sugar-coating anything. And if you hear anyone telling you that the violence against the innocent is the right thing to do, say "no". Biggest bands like Running Wild (as their most recent post on FB says) are not supporting any of that. And it's ridiculous that bands like Slaughter to Prevail from Russia have to explain that. I can only hope that there are some metalheads in the military, who on purpose or by accident read it and say "no" to paranoid lunatics, whoever they are. And instead of the usual "mosh responsibly" I feel like "be responsible" is the right phrase to finish this bit. And I hope that March will give me some reasons to write a summary in a more light-hearted tone.


Entered: 3/6/2022 10:50:37 AM