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MB Premiere: IGNIVOMOUS - 'Hieroglossia'

Pierce the flesh of the beast striking at the heart of its existence, burn its fat on vitriolic altars as a tribute to those fallen warriors before you, mount it's revered throne, carry out your rampage upon those seeking to usurp and bathe your battle wounds in the blood of the doomed masses.

Australia's scythe wielding specter IGNIVOMOUS have with them the wrathful hand of masters past eons ago. The depths of their war-cry is felt like a blade deep-seated in the bosom of innocence, now made helpless, cursed and lost within the numinous maw of impiety. Yes you should be afraid of the sea, which is home to many terrors, mysteries and sights unfit for mortal eyes. Hieroglossia marks yet another era in the dominant rule of this fire-vomiting, 5-headed creature.

Many a name touted in Australia's death metal pits but only few can sustain the load of carrying this mammoth of a country on their backs whilst pelting arrows, shooting cannons and evoking havoc throughout their march. IGNIVOMOUS are among that which is spoken of and their monster-piece, Hieroglossia is more proof to salt the wounds of the doubting and daring.

Due out November 15th, 2019 through Nuclear War Now! Productions, IGNIVOMOUS leave another superior, scorching imprint upon the skin of the genre and MetalBite is most privileged to forecast the effects of Hieroglossia with a premiere of the title track.

"I cannot think of the deep sea without shuddering at the nameless things that
may at this very moment be crawling and floundering on its slimy bed..." ― H.P. Lovecraft, Dagon

You can also find a full album review here.


Lewis Fischer - Guitars
Jael Edwards Bass - Vocals
Chris Volcano - Drums
Sean Hinds - Guitars
Chris Jordon - Bass


Entered: 10/9/2019 12:01:23 AM