
MB on Spotify - June summary

Greetings, fellow metalheads! 

We have just finished the smaller half of the year and we already have quite a library of great sounds from 2021. The month of June added some fantastic sounds to that library and since some of you might not have your minds made up about what to spend your money on, I'm here to help you with that.

Let's get on with the big releases. And there's no better way than to start with big names: Flotsam & Jetsam, Helloween, Fear Factory, The Absence, Pestilence and Darkthrone. All of these legends released their full albums in June, can you believe it? Notable mentions include Passéisme, black metal band from Russia, which grabbed the attention of most of the Metalbite crew, also Winter Eternal, Sxuperion, Eye of Purgatory, Thy Catafalque, Cathexis, Siderean, Lord Mortvm, Alustrium (probably my favourite), Nephren-Ka, Code, Desaster and my another favourite - Fractal Universe. Just the list above shows how much good stuff, big and small, has been created in the subgenre of blast beats, 4 up to 8 string guitars and vocal range incomparable to any other subgenre. And speaking of vocals - let's not forget about increasing amount of females who like to growl, especially shout out to Crypta, who released good, brutal material within quite short time after Luana and Fernanda left Nervosa. And Unique Leader Records (apart from Alustrium) also released new Distant's album with plenty of guest appearances. Anyways, enough with my blabbing (LOL, you wish), all of the above and more can be found under the link below:

Now, the smaller releases. Since again we don't have many of them, here's the full list of artists included on our playlist with EPs: Entierro, Glora Nexus, Rhapsody of Fire, Smile on the Sinner, Sorrow Enthroned, Soul Grinder, Suicide Forest, Whalesong and Witch Vomit. If you recognize these names, you know what to expect, if you don't - well, it's obvious, just get there and start recognizing them:

The next playlist as usual includes teasers for new releases or sometimes the only new stuff coming out from bands who are still preparing to write their next full-length (like Mayhem, for example). We've got Archangel A.D., Ophidian I (can't wait for the full album from these guys), Sepultura with Devin Townsend, Okrütnik, Godhead Machinery, Burial in the Sky, Erdve, Sepiroth, Pain, Lorna Shore, Jinjer, Carcass, Carnifex, Hooded Menace, Powerwolf and Netherbird to as usual give you a mixed list of my most favourite bands, my least favourite bands, bands that I know very well and bands that I know only by name. To check out that "The Best of June" playlist by clicking the link below:

Now, some new type of playlist - splits. I thought that since there are more and more of them being released recently, they deserve their own category. Unfortunately from split with Seven Doors, Goat Witch and Born Undead we only got 3 tracks from the first band in this trio. Maybe more will show up on Spotify later. The other split released in June came from Eisregen and Goatfuneral (yes, prepare for a quiz soon, asking how many bands have "witch" or "goat" in their band name. I'm kidding, there will be no quiz.). To listen to these just head to the playlist using the link below:

The live section for month June is really impressive. First of all - the whole "Cinematic Tour 2020" from Enslaved is finally here, so you can enjoy "Below the Lights", "Chronicles of the Northbound", "The Rise of Ymir" and "Utgard - The Journey Within" now. Also, "Devolution Series #2 - Galactic Quarantine" from Devin Townsend is here, other live performances on our playlist include Therion, Nuclear Assault, The Advent Equation, Born in Exile, Cirrosis (or CRS), Dispyt, Exhumed, Golgotha, Stormwind and some teasers of full performances by Motörhead (from 1981), Swallow the Sun, Paradise Lost, Virtual Symmetry and Sterbhaus. Whether this is one of your favourite categories of albums or you're preparing for the upcoming shows this playlist is the place to go:

Now, the list of re-releases and remasters, which also has some sensational stuff. First of all, Black Sabbath's "Sabotage" got a new treatment, Decapitated released their remastered demos, we also got repolished materials from Chotzä, Demonical (3 albums), Númenor, Unseen Faith and Wharflurch. So, if your cassettes with the above are all worn out and don't sound as good anymore, here's your chance to listen to them again in even better quality:

Only one "the best of" album made it to our playlist with compilations - Trick or Treat's "The Unlocked Songs". And they all truly are unlocked and available for you to listen, just head to the playlist using the link below:

Don't forget to let these artists know how amazed you are with these creations, buy all gadgets related to these releases to show off on your social media or scare off any potential guests at your home and share your favourites with anyone you know and don't know.

Mosh responsibly! \m/

Entered: 7/10/2021 11:33:41 AM