Aeon - Interview

On a freezing cold, January afternoon, AEON, the new death metal overlords from Sweden (playing not very Swedish death metal) arrived on the Liverpool's soil to spread terrifying rumours of the next Viking invasion?
No, not really. Those five really nice guys (whose enemies are only Christians and Jehova's witnesses) came to entertain local fans of death metal, bringing some of the best British death metal/grind core acts as their support. The show was their fifth presenting material from the new brilliant album "Aeons Black" live. Zeb, the main guitarist, who likes "The Game of Thrones" books and plays Ozzy's "Bark at the Moon" as one of his warming up riffs, allowed me to take some of his precious spare time to answer questions about the tour, the new album and the band's future plans. It seems that this tour came out to be very lucky for one of the biggest fans of AEON, Emil Wiksten, who became their full-time drummer. But here's what Zeb had told me before that happened.


Entered: 11/20/2013 6:41:17 PM

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