Můra - News

MB Premiere and Interview: MŮRA - 'Doom Invocations And Narcotic Rituals' full album stream

"Caligari Records is about to release MŮRA debut EP "Doom Invocations And Narcotic Rituals" and even though the quartet's debut recording is a "mere" two songs that clock around 20 minutes this is 'merely' a start for more horrors to come. MŮRA punish their listeners with a world-eating sound of death metal cacophony. Get ready for caveman-primitive throbs, tense 'n' hypnotic tropes and rough and raw yet remarkably massive doom parts that drag the listener deep into an abyss of sepulchral/bestial death. 20 minutes that unfurls a wide-screen canvas of dread, disease, filth and foulness". That's some info about the music I got from the promo materials but not much about the band itself. Wanna know more? Check out the review that Grindor wrote for "Doom Invocations and Narcotic Rituals", click on the 'play' button below to listen to the EP and continue reading to find out more about the band and the way they go about things.


There is very little info about the band on the net, care to make a quick introduction?

Well, not much to say really. All of us have a certain background in the local underground metal scene - if it could be called that way. However, we prefer to distance ourselves from what it has recently become and all the scene queenery aspects of it, which we find a bit pathetic. At present Můra counts four constant members, and we are in the process of accepting a regular bass player. Only time will tell if he will fit in this torment.

What inspired the name of the band? What does it mean? What does it mean to you? What pops in your mind when you say Můra?

It has several meanings in Czech language, depending on the context. What pops up in mind? A nightmare.

Most of you play or played in other bands, what was the catalyst for the creation of Můra?

Můra is a product of plague times, narcotics consumption and the disturbed psyche of its members. The initial twisted idea of a new project emerged during the last Chaos Descends festival where we have agreed to start the most drugged out band in Prague. At first, no one probably meant it truly seriously... nevertheless, Můra is what it is.

What was the most difficult obstacle to get through when composing and recording "Doom Invocations and Narcotic Rituals"?

To deal with each other, as everyone is indulging himself with the different region of the periodic table (or combining everything) and is pretty fucked up. Given that, we must express huge appreciation to Anders from Dödsmord Studio who had to cope with such a mentally challenged bunch of individuals.

How do you work out those situations where you do not agree with each other, where one's vision is different than the others?

There are four of us, potentially five in the days to come, and we disagree with each other for most of the time. But at least we all do agree on the music we want to play. All the dark atmosphere of the rehearsals in fact fuels the creative process. Thus, we could say that disagreements are welcome in case of this band.

Full interview can be found here.

Full review of MŮRA - "Doom Invocations and Narcotic Rituals" can be found here.

MŮRA is:

M. - vocals
H. - guitars
L. - guitars
S. - drums



Entered: 3/25/2021 12:06:14 AM