Rhapsody Of Fire - News

The Week In Metal - Week Of Jan 13 - 19, 2020

Dog days of holiday season are over and it's time to bring back the Week In Metal. As you can see below, after couple weeks of drinking and chilling, record labels and independent artists are back in the high gear spitting the lava from the mountain of heavy metal.

So, in my attempt to control the spill and help us discover new music, every Monday I'll try to create a list of what was released in a previous week with a goal of finding hidden music treasures and in effect increase our ever-growing collections of records.

Obviously that in no way is a complete index and no sane person can ever claim to generate one, that's why I hope in a comment section below you can point me into the records I missed or bands to keep an eye on.

Till next week...

Thrash, melodic, death metal from Belgium: Chalice - Lost Connection (Independent)


Melodic, death metal from Netherlands: Nephylim - Severance Of Serenity (Independent)


Thrash metal from Germany: Bonded - Rest In Violence (Century Media Records)


Power metal from France: DarkTribe - Voici L'Homme (Scarlet Records)


Death, technical metal from United States: Frogg - A Reptilian Dystopia (Independent)


Black metal from Denmark: Horned Almighty - To Fathom The Master's Grand Design (Scarlet Records)


Post-Black metal from Russia: L'Homme Absurde - Belong (Independent)


Death, technical metal from United States: Odious Mortem - Synesthesia (Willowtip Records)


Black, avant-garde metal from Germany: Porta Nigra - Schöpfungswut (Soulseller Records)


Death, grind metal from United States: Rat King - Vicious Inhumanity (Within The Mind Records)


Black, hardcore, sludge metal from Germany: Serpent Eater - Vanitas (7 Degrees Records)


Thrash, heavy metal from Greece: Skull Koraptor - Chaos Station (Ragnarök Records)


Death, progressive, metalcore from Canada: Sleepwraith - Day Terrors (Independent)


Progressive metal from United States: Sons Of Apollo - MMXX (InsideOut Music)


Black metal from Norway: Svarttjern - Shame Is Just A Word (Soulseller Records)


Doom, sludge, atmospheric metal from United States: The Osedax - Meridians (Independent)


Power metal from Germany: Victorius - Space Ninjas From Hell (Napalm Records)


Thrash, death metal from Canada: Hyperia - Insanitorium (Sliptrick Records)


Death, technical, brutal metal from United States: Wormhole - The Weakest Among Us (Lacerated Enemy Records)

Chalice, Nephylim, Bonded, DarkTribe, Frogg, Horned Almighty, L'Homme Absurde, Odious Mortem, Porta Nigra, Rat King, Serpent Eater, Skull Koraptor, Sleepwraith, Sons Of Apollo, Svarttjern, The Osedax, Victorius, Hyperia, Wormhole

Entered: 1/20/2020 7:24:08 PM