
TOP 19 of 2019 - By Arek

2019 is fast approaching the finish line and it's time for some year-end round-ups, but since we all have different music tastes and favorites, this year we're going to do this a little differently. Instead of one MetalBite year-end list, each of our staff members will present his own individual list based on his own criteria, preferences or whatever else stroke him fancy, we don't judge.

And without further ado, here's the Top 19 from Arek.

19. Straight Hate - Black Sheep Parade

18. Nile - Vile Nilotic Rites

17. Krypts - Cadaver Circulation

16. Cattle Decapitation - Death Atlas

15. Call Of The Void - Buried In Light

14. Target - Deep Water Flames

13. Deathspell Omega - The Furnaces Of Palingenesia

12. Hath - Of Rot And Ruin

11. Gaahls Wyrd - GastiR - Ghosts Invited

10. Capilla Ardiente - The Siege

9. Enthroned - Cold Black Suns

8. Nightfell - A Sanity Deranged

7. Hour Of Penance - Misotheism

6. Mord'A'Stigmata - Dreams Of Quiet Places

5. Panzerfaust - The Suns Of Perdition - Chapter I: War, Horrid War

Panzerfaust - The Suns Of Perdition - Chapter I: War, Horrid War

The fourth album of Canadians kills. While the first albums reeked of hellish burning sulfur, this quartet spreads the magic of imminent death, a terrible death. The war cannonade shows alarming destruction to finally show its senselessness in transient sounds.


4. Vortex Of End - Ardens Fvror

Vortex Of End - Ardens Fvror

The French quartet that was unknown to me before is the best example of what the darkness of the underground hides and why it is worth exploring. The ominous energy and ferocity spurts like a nicked artery but be prepared for death inflicted eight-fold. The thundering salvos of guitars and drums are intertwined with sultry slowdowns, this one is noble evil.


3. Death Wolf - IV: Come The Darke

Death Wolf - IV: Come The Dark

Swedes have created such a mix of dark melodies, punk simplicity and black metal rawness that it's hard to sit still. The narcotic frills, to which they unwittingly push, you will spin within even when the music stops. There is something amazing about this album, because each melody is cloaked in devilish obscurity.


2. Slow - VI - Dantalion

Slow - VI - Dantalion

This Belgian duo still amazes me with endless layers of ideas. I call them nightmare painters. You can sink in "Dantalion" like in nihilistic magma. Like a sluggish roller, but how ominous in its structure. A catastrophic picture in which hope cannot be found - it's not there!


1. Embrional - Evil Dead

Embrional - Evil Dead

On the third album, Embional forged the essence of death and evil. "Evil Dead" is a hooded demon without a face – it scares you but at the same makes you're curious. It attracts with magic to kill you with avalanche of cruel evil. Battle tested aggressive death metal. In front of the stage, it crushes and breaks necks. Such album cannot be omitted!

Entered: 12/29/2019 6:20:54 PM